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From Keycloak to Keycloak-X

For details please read article

Major Tech Stack Change

12/23/21 by Sebastian Rose and Thomas Darimont

The popular open-source IAM solution Keycloak (see project page) is undergoing a major technology change. As part of the Keycloak.X efforts, the underlying platform is to be changed from Wildfly/Undertow to Quarkus/Vertx. 

Advantages over older JBOSS based tech stack

  • Faster startup time
  • Lower resource consumption
  • Simpler configuration
  • Modern libraries ( Quarkus ) and faster upgrade cycles

Running Keycloak.X in dev mode

  • . If you want to use the old context path /auth, which is used in Wildfly-based Keycloak distributions, you need to provide the build option –-http-relative-path=auth.
  • provide parameter start-dev to start keycloak in Dev Mode
  • Map a full db export file from a Keycloak 15.1 [ JBoss based Keycloak ] for later import

The easiest way to start a Keycloak.X instance is by running a Docker container with the following command:

$ docker run --name keycloak -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin -p 8280:8080 -p 8543:8443 \
>     -v "D:/dev/Quarkus/Keycloak/quarkus-keycloak-authorization-sample/imports:/tmp/imports" \
> start-dev --http-relative-path=auth


Running a full database import from a Jboss Keycloak 15.1 export


Published inKeycloakKeycloak-X

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