Goal of this tutorial:
- Allow newly created Realm Users to use Self-Registration
- Add default Role agent to all newly created Realm Users
- Validate Users email address before use can login
- Let users login with using its email address
- Add user roles to userData$ observable so the role info becomes easily available in our Angular App
Step 1: Setup Email Registration for your Keycloak Realm using Gmail SMTP
Step 2: Configure Keycloak
Configure Keycloak Realm
- User registration: ON
- Verify Email: ON
- Login with Email ON
Add default Role to your Realm Setting ( Optional)
- In this tutorial we want that every new realam user gets assigned the default role: agent
- Navigation: Realm RBAC -> Roles -> click an Default Roles -> add agent role from Available Roles Window
Step 3 : Test login by opening Anuglar App
- you got redirected to keycloak Login Windows
Clck on the New User ? Register Link
Fill out the registration template
Click on Register
Check you email Account and click on the email adresss verification registration Link
Now you should be able to login into your Self Registered Account !
Step 4: Test Anguar App
Click on Get Accounts
- should work with the newly created Account out of the box
http://localhost:4200/ 14:45:04:: [ User: helmut.hutzler@gmail.com AccountService:getAccounts()] Getting all Accounts 14:45:04:: [ User: helmut.hutzler@gmail.com AccountService:getAccountsREST()] Retrieving all Accounts 14:45:04:: [ User: helmut.hutzler@gmail.com AccountService:getAccountsREST()] Subscribe: Got all Accounts ! 14:45:04:: [ User: helmut.hutzler@gmail.com AccountService:getAccountsREST()] User helmut.hutzler@gmail.com: Can view accounts !
Click on Add Accounts
- Should fail with HTTP Error 403
- Note: This is the expected outcome
14:45:06:: [ User: helmut.hutzler@gmail.com AccountService:addAccount()] Adding an Account 14:45:06:: ERROR: [ User: helmut.hutzler@gmail.com AccountService:addAccountsREST()] failed: Error Code: 403 --- Message: Http failure response for http://localhost:8080/accounts: 403 Forbidden
Step 5: Mapping the default roles info userinfo struct with a Protocol Mapper
Keylcloak Setup
- Clients -> Angular Frontend -> Mappers -> Create Protocol Mappers
- Mapper Type: User Realm Role
- Add to userinfo: ON
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